Welcome to Stay Sharp 2025

True Spiritual Warfare, As We Actively Wait for Jesus

Facing a prowling lion, an often-hostile world system, as well as our own fleshly pulls, what are we to do? From our Doctrinal statement (#8): “With God’s Word, the Spirit’s power, and fervent prayer in Christ’s name, we are to combat the spiritual forces of evil. In obedience to Christ’s commission, we are to make disciples among all people, always bearing witness to the gospel in word and deed.” Let’s stay on guard, abiding in Jesus. May our time together help us. Introduce yourself those new to you. Le us know how we can pray for you.


To download Greg’s notes, go to:  https://waterdam.org/  Under “Resources”, go to Stay Sharp.  Waterdam will post recordings of Greg’s teachings. (Use Wi-Fi Network: Waterdam Church Guest. The password is transforminglives.)
Snacks, Coffee, and important Ministry Displays are down the hall, in the Youth Room. Pickup relevant materials for various leaders in your church. Free Books!


Dinner Together Monday is downstairs in the Café. Along with a delicious meal, encouraging fellowship, and District updates. Suggested donation of $10.


Stay Sharp 2025 Schedule

1:30pm-3:00pmSessions 1 - Greg Strand
3:00pm - 3:30pmBreak
3:30pm-5:00pmSesion 2
5:15pmCredentialing Workshop (optional)
5:45pm-7:30pmFellowship Dinner with Guests
8:00pmOptional Jam and Worship session in sanctuary
8:30am-10:00amSession 3
10:30am-12:00pmSession 4

Join the informal jam session, worship time following the dinner on Monday.

Take advantage of free professional headshots courtesy Donnie Rosie of Miracle Mountain Ranch.

Conference Offering: Stay Sharp is provided as a partnership of the Allegheny District, and the EFCA National Office. We suggest a donation of $10 ($20 if you are staying for the meal). Drop your gift in the offering box on the welcome table.
Thank Yous: Waterdam Church! You serve us so well every year. Greg Strand, Matt Mitchell and the District Credentials and Constitution Board. Check out Greg’s blog and the EFCA Theology Podcast.
How may I serve you on your mission field? Let’s set up a date for a visit, a seminar, a Leaders’ retreat, Sunday am, a meal…

Grateful we can suit up and stand together in Him (Eph. 6:10-20),
