Do You Want A Place To Serve?

We believe that each believer has received a special gift and should employ it in serving others, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. Spiritual giftedness and maturity determine where and how a believer serves.
(1 Peter 4:10)

AUDIO/VIDEO TECHNICIANS:  A team who sets up and monitors the sound for music activities and records portions of the Sunday morning worship service.


CHILDREN’S MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS: Teaming with parents to grow God’s children in Christ through creative teaching. God wants to use you to encourage children and families in the Lord.


COMPASSION MINISTRY:  Through our Small Groups, this ministry provides compassion and practical assistance in response to a need within the Waterdam Church family. A point person from each small group coordinates efforts.


FACILITIES TEAM:  (under construction) This team is on the front line of building upkeep, performing routine maintenance and upgrades, as well as researching the best ways to complete larger projects.


HOSPITALITY MINISTRY:  Creates events with an informal atmosphere for church members and others to get to know one another and share our lives in Christ. (Ref. I Peter 4:8-11).  Includes Funeral Ministry Team, Event Ministry Team and Cafe Ministry Team.


LANDSCAPING:  This ministry is for anyone who is willing to give a little time for weeding an assigned flower bed on a regular basis to improve the appearance of the church grounds.  No gardening skills necessary!  Set your own time at your convenience.  Includes weeding, trimming, etc.


LAWN CARE:  If you enjoy working outdoors, and possibly want to get a little exercise, this is a great way to get involved with the church.  God has blessed us with a beautiful and useful property.  With your help, we can make it a blessing to all!  Includes mowing grass, trimming hedges, weed-whacking, etc.


PRAISE AND WORSHIP TEAM: Leads us in worship every Sunday as we together lift our voices to the Lord in praise.


PRAYER TEAM: Prays together for the body of Christ. They meet with Pastor Jack every Monday from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.


SAFETY TEAM: Team members are on duty during services and large church events. Members monitor the church cameras and radios to maintain safety. Members are mostly trained and certified for service in basic CPR, AED and First Aid to assist with medical emergency care when needed.


TRAFFIC CONTROL:  This ministry helps people to have a positive experience at church by helping cars flow smoothly into and out of the parking lot on Sunday mornings and for special events.


VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL:  This team plans for, recruits, prepares, and executes a relevant and engaging VBS program each summer.


WORSHIP GREETERS:  The welcoming team that warmly greets everyone who is on their way to the worship service with a handshake and a smile.  These people give first impressions of friendliness, acceptance, and love to members, attenders, and visitors alike.


WORSHIP USHERS:  The welcoming team that assists people into the worship service by handing out bulletins, overseeing the service in general, and assisting people where needed.


YOUTH MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS:  Working alongside parents to grow teens in Christ. You can make an impact in a teenager’s life, and aid their Christian walk.