What Is Baptism?
For many, baptism is the first public step of obedience to Christ. Baptism is for the individual who has received the saving benefits of Christ’s atoning work and has become His disciple.
Therefore, in obedience to Christ’s command and as a testimony to God, the church, oneself, and the world, a believer should be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Water baptism is a visual and symbolic demonstration of a person’s union with Christ in the likeness of His death, burial, and resurrection. It signifies that our former way of life has been put off and we are raised as a new person in Jesus Christ. Christ frees us from the mastery of sin.
Waterdam Church practices and teaches “believer’s baptism.”
Before your baptism, we offer a special class designed to answer your questions about this ordinance. The class is a discussion of the biblical significance of baptism. The class also covers several frequently asked questions, all logistical details of a baptism service, and gives you an opportunity to share your testimony.
A Few Specifics You Should Know
- All baptism candidates at Waterdam Church are required to take the Baptism Class prior to their public baptism.
- Attendance at the Baptism Class does not require you to actually be baptized if you are not ready to do so. If you would simply like more information about our beliefs concerning this ordinance or a chance to ask more questions, please feel free to sign up and attend.
- “Believer’s Baptism” signifies that you must be a believer in Jesus Christ before your baptism.
Class Schedule
Pastor Jack, Sr Pastor — Adults & Children
Scott MacLeod, Youth Pastor —Teens grades 6-12
- Understanding the Gospel
- The Meaning of Baptism
- Preparing a Testimony
Classes are held Saturday mornings 9:00 am – 10:00 am
Date of next class - MARCH 22 & APRIL 12 - Contact church office to register.
All baptism candidates must be at least 9 yrs old and are required to attend all sessions prior to public baptism at Waterdam Church. Since baptism is a testimony to our church body and the community in which we live, dates will be scheduled to allow candidates to invite family and friends to witness this very powerful testimony.
These classes also provide information about salvation, so if you have questions please plan to attend.
Suggested Resources for Parents Available in Church Office
The Eaglet by Jim Elliff - The Eaglet presents the good news about Christ in a colorful story that engages both children and adults. Parents, grandparents, pastors, Bible study leaders, and loving Christians everywhere will find it an important resource for explaining what it means to believe in Christ.
Pastor Jack also has various other handouts that are helpful to parents.