For Men

MEN'S BREAKFAST - SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 8am Fellowship Hall

Speaker: Douglas Muetzel of Wesley Family Services.

All men and boys welcome! 

Please sign up at the Welcome Desk or contact the church office to give us an idea of how much food to prepare.

Questions? Contact Pastor Dan at [email protected].



Friday Morning Men's Bible Study - Dan Finnell

"Reading, studying and applying God's Word."

This group meets at the church every Friday morning from 6:00 am to 7:15 am to spend time in prayer, create a bond within the group, and learn His Word. Join us!

Current Study:  The Apostle Peter and the Gospel of Mark

Saturday Morning Men's Group - Pete Brooks

"Transforming men's lives in fellowship, Bible study, prayer and ministry."
This group meets at the church every Saturday morning from 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. for discussion and prayer.  Join us!

Current Study:   Epistle of Hebrews - Study guide by Warren Wiersbe

Wednesday Evening Men's Bible Study Fellowship - Steve Hoskins

This group meets at the church Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.

Current Study:  Proverbs
Gain practical, godly wisdom from the book of Proverbs