SOUPER BOWL OF CARING—The Youth Group would like to thank everyone for your donations to City Mission for Souper Bowl of Caring. Waterdam gave 2,667 items (non-perishable items along with monetary donations) for hunger. Thank you again for your generosity to help fight hunger in our area.
MEDICAL MISSION TRIP to Bahamas Mar 1-7. Our Dr Lina Hixson and another faculty member will accompany 13 nursing students from Waynesburg Univ to provide free nursing care to the people of Nassau. Last year group provided free health assessments, visited nursing homes and taught wellness care to primary school students. Group will spend a day at one of the local soup kitchens to prepare, serve and minister to the homeless and underserved. Free hygiene products will be given to all that day. If you would like to donate hygiene products for gift bags, needed items are toothpaste, toothbrushes, hairbrushes, combs, bath soap, shampoo and socks. Also in need of an old suitcase to use to transport giveaway items. Collection box is near the Welcome Desk. Donation deadline Feb 23.
Washington CITY MISSION SWEET SUNDAY Dessert Festival is Sunday, Feb 23, Noon-5pm, Southpointe Hilton Garden Inn. Be sure to stop by the Waterdam Church booth to sample our Layered Butter Cookie Bars.
EFCA Allegheny District STAY SHARP CONFERENCE will be held at Waterdam Mar 10-11. Registration deadline Feb 24.
ANNUAL MEETING will be held Sunday, Mar 9, in the Sanctuary following the 10:45 Worship Service. Join us as we celebrate how God worked among us in 2024 and discuss the vision and ministry of Waterdam Church. All are invited.
Mark your calendars - VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL will be held July 13-17, 2025, Sunday thru Thursday evenings.
There is now a CITY MISSION DONATION BIN for shoes and clothing located on our property - across the street in front of the church house.
If you don't already belong to one, JOIN A FLOW GROUP! Contact Pastor Dan for more info.
WATERDAM CHURCH APP now available. Waterdam Church App