Growing In Faith

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GROWING IN FAITH CAMPAIGN - The Growing in Faith campaign will officially end on May 31, 2021. To complete your pledge or to join the campaign, please make a check payable to Waterdam Church and indicate “Building Expansion” on the memo line of the check. Gifts may be placed in the offering basket or mailed directly to the church office. Thank you for your continued support of this amazing opportunity for Kingdom impact!


[soliloquy id="3660"]We believe God is calling Waterdam Church to expand our building to meet our most significant needs, as well as make a greater impact for the Kingdom of God.

We started out as a body of 32 people meeting in the basement of an office building.

In 1989 our first service kicked off on Easter Sunday. The church grew in faith and in vision under the strong leadership of Pastor Michael Dunn to approximately 50 people.


Today we are a body of a little more than 200 people sitting on about 6 acres of property. God blessed us to be able to pay off our $650,000 mortgage in 2014!

Because of our significant growth over the years, we have had to make adjustments just to keep up.

We’ve added worship services and expanded our staff. We’ve expanded classroom space by tearing down walls and renovating rooms to meet the needs of the ministry God has provided.

We’ve expanded our parking lot and paved the parking area in front of the workshop. We've moved our offices from the church building to the house across the street to open up 3 new classrooms There are no more walls to break down.

We believe God is calling us to go beyond our walls. The vision is to expand our building to make the most significant improvements in the areas of our greatest needs to reach as many people as we can for Jesus Christ.

[soliloquy id="3664"]


Souls are being Saved; Marriages are strengthened; Leaders are being developed and deployed. Ministry is multiplied.

Our Response:

God's Work; Done God's Way; In God's Time; Brings God's Resources
As we follow God’s leading for expansion of our facilities, God will provide for accomplishing this as we all together seek his leading in our individual financial responses.