Join Us!
Everyone is strongly encouraged to join a class because we believe there is great value in studying the Bible together. No need to wait for a special time to start attending Sunday school.
Classes meet in the Adult classrooms in the new Education Wing.
9:00 a.m.
Book of Luke - Meets in Adult Room 1
Led by Russ Hummer
10:45 a.m.
Journey Series - Meets in Adult Room 1
Led by Andrew Natanael
An express landscape tour of the Bible starting with the Old Testament. Using the Journey Series curriculum, we will identify the main narrative themes of the Bible in a question-and-answer format. Will study the historical context and background of each book to understand the culture at the time of writing and the author's message intent.
The following classes are offered on a rotating basis:
Welcome to Waterdam - Meets in Adult Room 2
5 week class
Led by Pastor Dan
Designed to help you learn who we are, what we believe, and how you can get more involved in the life and ministry of the church.
Individuals interested in applying for Waterdam Church Membership must complete this class prior to application.
However, attendance at the Welcome Class does not require that you become a member if you are not ready to do so. If you would simply like more information about our church and/or the EFCA, please feel free to sign up and attend.
Raising Up Godly Leaders - Meets in Adult Room 2
8-week class Led by Pastor Dan
Designed to challenge, encourage, and prepare men and women to use their God given gifts to lead within the church and the workforce
THE 101 - 6-week class
Adult Room 2 - Led by Chad Bragg
To establish a Biblical foundation for people craving a better understanding of the Word of God, Biblical concepts and basic theology. This class will prepare people for the Sunday Morning Adult Bible Studies and enable them to get more from the Sunday morning preaching.
If you participated in a prior 101 class, feel free to attend again, as there will be some changes.
One of the key components to our walk with the Lord is being in His Word every day. Just as our bodies groan when we lack food, we also groan in spirit when we lack the spiritual nourishment that comes from the Bible. It’s not easy knowing where to start or even where to turn next. We read in Acts chapter 8 that even the treasurer of Ethiopia had difficulties reading the Bible. His honesty was refreshing. When asked if he understood what he was reading, he replied, “How can I, unless someone guides me?” (Acts 8:31). Whether we are new in our walk or have been looking to get a foundational understanding of God’s Word and how to apply it to our lives, we all need help.
To help you, we are offering The 101. The 101 will establish a Biblical foundation for people craving a better understanding of the Word of God, Biblical concepts, and basic theology. This class will prepare you for the Adult Sunday Schools and help you get more from the Sunday morning sermons. The 101 is a 6-week class; each class will consist of discussion, Q&A, fellowship, and laughter. Each week we will focus on how to make the Bible part of our lives.
Week 1 – God’s Amazing Book
Week 2 – Meet the Author
Week 3 – Big Ideas—Creation
Week 4 – Big Ideas—Covenant
Week 5 – Big Ideas—God’s Presence
Week 6 – Big Ideas—Kingdom
Please join us—Feel free to bring a friend!