Stay Sharp 2009


As shepherds, it's our job to protect the flock from every dangerous "wind of teaching" and to feed them with rich, life giving biblical truth (Ephesians 4:11-15, 1 Peter 5:2-4). The purpose of Stay Sharp is to provide relevant and consistent training for leaders to help our churches be theologically healthy. This year's theme is "Staying Sharp on the Burning Issues in Theology Today." Greg Strand will be informing us about current trends in theology that are affecting our churches.

Topics will include:

  • The Destiny of the Unevangelized
  • The Health, Wealth, and Positive Thinking Movement
  • The Gospel and "Deeds of Mercy"
  • Speaking Up About Social issues Like Abortion and Homosexuality
  • Inerrancy and interpretation

...and Many More.

There will be ample time for questions and answers. Bring your current theological challenges!

Our aim is for Stay Sharp to equip you to increase biblical discernment in our leaders and churches.

Relevant articles, sites, books or media:

DA Carson – “What is the Gospel?” [manuscriptaudio]

Stan Guthrie – All Monotheisms Are Not the Same (Responding to A Common Word)

Mike Andrus Outline – Drawing Doctrinal Lines: Where and How?

Albert Mohler – Theological Triage

Alfred Poirer – The Cross and Criticism

Roger Nicole – Polemic Theology: How to Deal with Those Who Differ From Us

William Young – The Shack

Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy

Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics

Chicago Statement on Biblical Application

Paul Grimmond – We Need More Shack Time

J.I. Packer & Mark Dever – In My Place Condemned He Stood (Foreward, Preface, Introduction)

D.A. Carson – Themelios 33.2 – Editorial(On the Gospel & Deeds of Mercy)

Tim Keller – Themelios 33.3 – The Gospel and the Poor

Ed Stetzer – First Person: Understanding the Emerging Church

Michael Patton – Would the Real Emerging Please Stand Up?

Lausanne Covenant